Monthly Activation
November 17, 2023 - 11:15am-12:45pm (Clash with Rooster)
November 22, 2023 - 9:30am-10:30am (Clash with Tiger)
Sun Star - SE1 (112.6°-127.5°)
Dragon Virtue - NW1 (292.6°-307.5°)
Fortune Virtue - N2 (352.6-7.5°)
Moon - S2 (172.6-187.5)
Sun Star - For noble people helping you achieve your goals.
Dragon Virtue - Allowing you to find solutions to your problems. Making bigger obstacles smaller
Fortune Virtue - Attracting wealth opportunities or new streams of income
Moon Star is best for Communication skills, Sales, Customer service, and Marketing activities enhancement.
It's imperative to follow these dates and hours. If you don't, activation is voided. Lastly, do not activate two or more sectors simultaneously, as this affects health.
How to activate (choose any method):
1. Place a pail of water with a water pump. The pump is necessary; we need water to stay active. Leave it for two/or three weeks. The pail should be 2-3 feet and full of water. Make sure to keep this clean. Do not cover. Another activation to use is lighting a candle or aromatherapy candle. (Although this activation method gives a slower and smaller impact than water).
2. Stay in the sector for at least an hour a day. Use this as your thinking place.
