I recently received a grateful direct message about my video, "Is Ghost Month Real?" Thanking me for giving clarity about this dreadful month.
To summarize my video, Ghost month was created back in the days by laymen for weddings. This is due to no access to the proper knowledge of date selection (For my personal experience, do view my video)
In truth, nothing from the classical scripture, for date selection, ever said August or 7th lunar month of the year will always be the ONLY inauspicious month.
See, given the concept of "Ghost Month", does this mean all born on the 7th lunar month are doomed to have bad luck the rest of their life? Tell that to Barack Obama or Jennifer Lawrence.
August is just a month. Like every month, it has problematic and good days for individuals (based on BaZi chart) and for the general mass.
So, to clear the air and not let the old belief scare you, I have provided free general date selections for two months. This is to help you schedule important events with the right date.
By the way, If you haven't seen my video yet, do visit my youtube channel and learn how to do your Feng Shui for 2020.
Comment below I would love to hear your thoughts!♥️
FREE DATE SELECTION for Aug - Sept 2019. Download your copy here
Download your FREE Feng shui 2019 booklet:
Youtube Channel: http://bit.ly/2Xk9OXb
Facebook Page : http://bit.ly/2LdDEeu
Instagram: @sofiarelosa
Linkedin : sofia relosa
For personalized BaZi and Feng Shui Audit, you may send your inquiry to inquiry@sofiarelosa.com
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